Photo by Autam Molisani

Intermediate Photography

March 29 - April 26, 2025

Once you are comfortable with your camera basics, learn how to tackle the most common photographic challenges: indoor/low light, night shots, portraits, movement and adding in external flash. Along with hands on practice in these areas, we’ll strengthen your eye for composition and light. Build on what you know, and step up to the next level.

5 week course, Saturday afternoons, 1:30-3:30pm, $165

*One session will meet in the evening for a night photography lesson.

Taught by Bonnie Tate Woodby

Class limit is 12.

(The Beginner class is not a requirement, but you want to be familiar with exposure: ISO, shutter speed, aperture. If you are rusty, it’s ok – there will be lots of review!)

Required materials: Camera, tripod. External flash unit optional.