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Daylight Long Exposure Workshop

Next session to be annonced.

Learn how to create beautiful long exposure photographs as light transitions from afternoon, to sunset, to dark. Silky smooth water, drifting clouds, ghost movements and light trails are a few of the creative effects you can achieve with long exposure. Practice using neutral density filters for daylight/low light shots. (ND filters block light from entering your lens, allowing you to extend your exposure time even in daylight.) Instructor Steve Bauer will discuss the variety of strengths, formats, and uses for these handy filters. After a lesson, get hands on practice at a nearby waterfront spot as the light changes.

You will benefit the most from this workshop if you bring a strong ND filter (6-10 stops) to practice with. Individual filters are recommended over the variable filters. Steve will have several extras to work with. Please get in touch if you have any questions about purchasing a filter prior to the workshop!

*Tripod required. Please let us know if you need to borrow one.

Saturday, 3:00 - 7:00pm, $75

Taught by Steve Bauer

Class limit is 10.

Please fill out the form below for an update on the next Daytime Long Exposure Workshop!